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Number of messages: 26
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Sunday, September 1st 2013
sorry i forgot the title sing song bird.sorry
Sunday, September 1st 2013
hi its me again i have a song for the webmaster .the song .hi hi its the sing songbird lets sing along with the sing song bird ching chand chong bong.oh oh my moms calling ching chand chong bong.thats it. the sonng is done thanks .bye bye.
Sunday, September 1st 2013
hi i am nicole fernando s sister and she told i love the songs thats very true.did you know something i have the book of all those songs but its not mine its from my friend.so bye guys.
meli fernando
Saturday, August 31th 2013
i love the songs & games so cool. my little sister likes the songs and i like the games .its my coolest games in the world god bless to zoey 101 my coolest show.bye bye.
Saturday, August 24th 2013
Can be possible have download a few rhymes from here?? Thanks.
Saturday, August 24th 2013
Thanks a lot. My son loves the songs and listen everyday. (Brazil )
Friday, August 2th 2013
hi, i am a songwriter.Mostly in English. Please contact me to see my works. I think we can work together. Thanks for this wonderful site.
Wednesday, June 12th 2013
I love this gems
Tuesday, June 11th 2013
how can I download your songs and rhymes I love them. can you explain step by step please.
Tuesday, May 14th 2013
Hi.thanks alot for made this site.we use this site in iran for learn english.can you intreduce more website like this?
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