The new songs:
- Dance to Your Daddy
- Doodle dee doo
- Michael Finnegan
- Polly put the kettle on
- Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
- Who Built the Ark
All the songs:
- A ram sam sam
- A sailor went to sea
- A-Tisket A-Tasket
- Aiken Drum
- Ain't It Great To Be Crazy
- Am stram gram
- Dance to Your Daddy
- Did You Ever See A Lassie
- Do you ears hang low
- Donkey Riding
- Doodle dee doo
- Down by the bay
- Down By The Riverside
- Down By The Station
- Father grumble
- Fiddle dee dee
- Fingers and Toes
- Five little chickadees
- Five little ducks
- Found a peanut
- Fuzzy Wuzzy
- Georgie porgie
- Get On Board Little Children
- Gingerbread Man
- Go In And Out The Window
- God rest you merry gentlemen
- Goober Peas
- Grandpa's whiskers
- I Am Growing
- I Love Grandpa
- I love the mountains
- I see the moon
- I'm a little teapot
- I'm a Nut
- I'm Bringing Home a Baby Bumblebee
- I've Been Working on the Railroad
- If you're happy and you know it
- In a cabin in a wood
- In The Good Ol' Summertime
- Lavender's blue
- Li'l Liza Jane
- Little boy blue
- Little Jack Horner
- Little Red Caboose
- Little red wagon
- Little Sandman's Song
- Little Tommy Tucker
- London Bridge
- Looby Loo
- Make New Friends
- Mama Don't Allow
- Mary had a Little Lamb
- Mary Mary Quite Contrary
- Michael Finnegan
- Miss Mary Mack
- My bonnie lies over the ocean
- Oh Dear! What Can The Matter Be
- Oh Susanna
- Oh You Can't Get To Heaven
- Oh, How I Know
- Old Dan Tucker
- Old MacDonald Had a Farm
- Old MacDonald's Farm Is Swell
- Old Man Grumble
- Old Molly Hare
- On The Bridge At Avignon
- On Top of Old Smoky
- One more river to cross
- One Two Buckle My Shoe
- Over The Hills and Far Away
- Pat a cake
- Paw paw patch
- Peas porridge hot
- Polly put the kettle on
- Polly Wolly Doodle
- Pop goes the weasel
- Putting On The Style
- Reuben and Rachel
- Rig a jig jig
- Ring around the rosies
- Rock-A-Bye Baby
- Roll Over (Ten in a bed)
- Row row row your boat
- Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
- Sailing Sailing
- Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
- Say, Say Little Playmate
- She'll be coming round the mountain
- Simple Simon
- Sing a song of sixpence
- Sipping Cider Through a Straw
- Six Little Ducks
- Skip to My Lou
- Ten Green Bottles
- The Apples
- The Eensy Weensy Spider
- The Farmer in the Dell
- The Finger Family
- The Four Winds
- The Grand old Duke of York
- The Green Grass Grows all Around
- The Instruments
- The Limerick Song
- The Mexican Hat Dance
- The Mulberry Bush
- The Orchestra
- The People on the Bus
- There's a Hole in my Bucket
- There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea
- This is the Way we Laugh and Play
- This Little Piggy
- This Old Man
- Three Farmers Went a Hunting
- To Market To Market
- Turkey in the Straw
- Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
- We Wish You a Merry Christmas
- Wee Willie Winkle
- What Did Delaware
- When The Saints Go Marching In
- Where Is Thumbkin
- Who Built the Ark
- Who Did Swallow Jonah
Roll Over (Ten in a bed)
Ten in a bed,
And the little one said
“Roll over! Roll over!”
They all rolled over and one fell out,
Nine in a bed
And the little one said
“Roll over! Roll over!”
They all rolled over and one fell out,
Eight in a bed ...
Seven in a bed ...
Six in a bed ...
Five in a bed ...
Four in a bed ...
Three in a bed ...
Two in a bed ...
One in the bed
And the little one said,
“Alone at last!”